Anytime you start shopping your health insurance, your employees are all hoping that the result will be a plan that costs less, covers more, and above all: keeps their doctors in network!
What if you could guarantee that you would never force your employees and their spouses and children to change to a different doctor ever again?
We can show you how!
One way to achieve this is by separating the different components of your plan. This allows you to independently shop and evaluate each piece of your plan and only change the parts of your plan that absolutely need changing.
For example:

When you get a big renewal increase, its usually because your claims costs were higher than anticipated. In other words, the insurance company you were using that year spent more money than they anticipated on all your employee’s claims. The result is a price increase. So the problem wasn’t your network, the problem was your stop loss insurance or reinsurance. When you work with our team on this, we have 30 different insurance companies we can reach out to, but we’ll only shop that small piece of your plan. We’ll keep the same network in place but change to a less expensive insurance company to cover your claims for the next year.
Doing it this way means that we can keep control of your costs while not ever forcing your employees to change what doctors they see.
Here’s another idea: get rid of your network all together!
We’ve been having recent success with this model and would be excited to show it to you. By doing away with your network arrangement and replacing it with a plan that ties itself to a multiple of the Medicare reimbursement rates, you do a couple things. First, your premium goes down because you are no longer paying the added cost of having a network. Second, it allows your employees to go to any doctor and any hospital. No more network restrictions! An important piece to a plan like this is to be sure you have the back-up support necessary to fight against any balance billing that might occur. Balance billing is when a doctor or hospital takes what your insurance company pays but then requires even more money from the patient outside of copays, deductibles, and coinsurance. Without a team of people backing you up, you could be stuck paying more than you should.
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